(1) 见人恶 即内省 有则改 无加警
When I see others do wrong, immediately reflect upon myself.
If I have made the same mistake, correct it.
If I do not have such flaws/errors, I will be extra cautious not to make the same mistakes.
I have 6 posts on how I apply the above teaching . This shows how important this teaching is.
My teacher's elaborated teachings on the this teaching.
细讲《弟子规》 32集
31:00- 50:00 mins
31:00- 50:00 mins
Other related teachings of Saints.
(2) {只看别人的好。不看别人的不好。不要把别人的垃圾放进自己纯净纯善的心中}
I should not make my benevolent/pure kind heart a trash bin for others' bad
Character/behavior/attitude/ actions /words/etc...
Character/behavior/attitude/ actions /words/etc...
I should put only the good of people into my heart; the bad/flaws in people should be
forgiven, forgotten and thrown away.
(3) Saint Christ's teaching: Love Keeps no record of Wrong
(4) 《弟子规》 揚人惡 即是惡 疾之甚 禍且作
Spreading rumors about the wrongdoings of others is a wrongdoing in itself. When the harm done has reached the extreme, misfortunes will surely follow.
(5) In Buddhism, the Buddha says: " 若真修道人不见世间过!". In other words, a person who is cultivating his/her personality (for good) should not see the bad and evils in the world. Because everything is a reflection of ourselves and the wrongs that we must not have.
forgiven, forgotten and thrown away.
(3) Saint Christ's teaching: Love Keeps no record of Wrong
Spreading rumors about the wrongdoings of others is a wrongdoing in itself. When the harm done has reached the extreme, misfortunes will surely follow.
(5) In Buddhism, the Buddha says: " 若真修道人不见世间过!". In other words, a person who is cultivating his/her personality (for good) should not see the bad and evils in the world. Because everything is a reflection of ourselves and the wrongs that we must not have.
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