Friday, 21 June 2013

AppreciateCriticism(6) /feedback

Final appreciate criticism/feedback Post  

All the 6 'AppreciateCriticism' posts mainly revolve around 2 out of 3 teachings shown below. 

《弟子规》-- 信篇

聞過怒  聞譽樂  損友來  益友卻 

闻过怒    闻誉乐    损友来    益友却

If criticism makes me angry and compliments make me happy, bad company will come my way and good friends will shy away. 如我聽(听)人批評,就會(会)生氣;聽到別人讚美(赞美),就會感到高興(高兴);壞朋友(坏朋友)會接踵而來,好朋友會遠離(远离)我而去。

聞 譽 恐     聞 過 欣   直 諒 士    漸 相 親
闻 誉 恐   闻 过 欣    直 谅 士     渐 相 亲

If I am uneasy with compliments and appreciative of criticism, then sincere, understanding, and virtuous people will gradually come close to me.
如 我 聽 到 別 人 讚 嘆 ,就 起 恐 慌 ;聽 到 別 人 批 評 ,反 而 感 到 高 興 ;有 誠 信 又 能 諒 解 我 的 道 德 人 士 ,才 會 逐 漸 願 意 與 我 親 近。

Teacher teach!

Criticism- a heart to help my friend/someone to change for the better!
Complement/affirm the person before criticizing them if you are not close/lack trust with the person. Build rapport and trust with others before criticism is appropriate! If there is no/little trust, they may take it very negatively and things may get worse. It is better to keep silent or wait for a good opportunity to voice it! If possible, tell them one to one and not humiliate them in front of a lot of people (depending on the person, some people can take it in front of others but most can't). My tone, attitude, timing and mentality is very important for criticism to be effective! 

This video will elaborate fully on the teaching regarding the attitude I should have when  I face complement and criticism : 第33集  29:22 minute - 48:40 minute

'The life filled with happiness' talk 幸福人生講座

If the above video does not work, please go to this link :D

Criticism will make us a better person as we can change for the better! 

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