Saturday, 1 June 2013

NO ENVY - the virtue people have

《弟子规》-- 信篇

唯德学 唯才艺 不如人 当自砺

唯有當我自己的道德、品行、學問和才能、技藝不如別人,我該勉勵自己努力的去改進。When I am not as virtuous, capable, intelligent, knowledgeable, skillful and talented as others, I will urge myself to improve and improve for the better!

We have siblings, friends, classmates or colleagues who are much more capable than ourselves. My friends/classmates may be smarter (very intelligent) than me and do better in terms of academic studies. They may even possess certain talents/skills that I lacks. My colleagues may be much more able than me and can accomplish much more than me. There are countless people who are saints (they are very virtuous) or just a friend who has a better conduct (moral) than me. 

Saints teaches us NOT to ENVY or get JEALOUS, and have A BIG HEART to accept and feel happy for what my friend has :)  I have to urge myself to work hard to strive in aspects that I want to be good at! I can always learn from them and improve!

My reflection:

Aspect 1: Moral values

(1) Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa is an awesome and virtuous person whom I admire very much! She is a Catholic nun who sacrificed herself for the welfare of the poor and the sick despite huge hurdle and objection against her action. Her selflessness and unconditional love for the poor and the sick is very commendable. I read about her in my JC and watch a touching movie screening her life. It is so wonderful! She has such a big heart!

There is a scene when an angry man
shouts at her to open the convent so that he can get food. In fact, he wanted to snatch food from the convent. Mother Teresa let him in and he aggressively snatches much of their food in the kitchen leaving some for the children/students in the convent. Guess what! Mother teresa simply say with a loving heart : “May God Bless You”. The man is very shocked that Mother Theresa say that. He asked fiercely: “why do you want god to bless me when I treat you in this manner?” . Mother answers: “ How can I hate you when god loves you “ . I am extremely moved, close to tears. Indeed, all saints and sages and buddha loves all being, how can we hate them! Mother Teresa taught me “forgiveness and love”!  

Another scene happen when Mother Teresa brought/rent an Indian Temple to cure the sick. Mother brought it but many Indian curse and swear at her because she is gonna use their sacred place ( Mother is a Catholic while most Indians are Hindu). She simply walk away and continue her mission for the poor and sick. One day, Mother Teresa and her helper girl met the man who curses and swears at her previously but this time round he lies on the floor sickly! Both of them carried him to the temple. He is very moved by Mother as no one dares to take care or get into close contact with him for they fear they will be contaminated. No one wants to take care of him except Mother Teresa! :) He was being brought to the Indian Temple and Mother feed him with medicine and bandage him personally. Who will not be touched?

I have great admiration for Mother Teresa and she is the role model for me to learn from! And she is just one of the great and virtuous people who impacted my life. I will learn from her!

(2) My Secondary School good friend

Chloe was my secondary school good friend and she has many characteristics that I don’t have. She was my class vice chairman. She is someone whom I learn from. She is very respectful towards my teachers and she always initiate to help teachers to carry books from staffroom to my classroom( pile of books). Though it may be a trivial and an insignificant action( to you), her act exemplify a good virtue of helpfulness and respectfulness (towards teachers). Throughout my days in school and my internship in a school, no students that I know of, except her, offers to help teachers. Oh! there is one normal technical student:) who offered to help me once:) I am soso fortunate to have her as my friend! I learn from her and she made an impact (but I never told her:))!   

(3) My Secondary School friend

I have a secondary school friend called Kai Lian. We were in the same CCA Band and the same class for 5 years. We were in good relations then and suddenly one day, she apologised to me that she has been saying bad stuff about me (behind me)  yet I has been so nice to her, and that she is sorry for what she has done. I wasn’t aware of it as no one told me about it. “It takes guts to admit a mistakes”.

There is another time she apologized to me again. This time round is due to something she said. To give you some background, she is a Christian and I am a Buddhist. We were talking about religion I think ( haha I actually forget )...can sense something...can feel something... Then she said something that seems to make Christianity powerful as comparison to Buddhism. She somewhat belittle Buddhism. ...She said: “... Christ woke up a few days after his death but Buddha didn’t”. What can I reply, right? It is not just the words she said but the way she said it. I simply kept quiet, I knew what she said is true for its own sake but it somehow disappointed me. There was just silent after that and I simply treated it as nothing happened. She approached me some time later and said she called me, but could not reach me. Suddenly, she apologized to me face-to-face for saying what she said and for disrespecting another religion. I actually didn’t take it to heart but her 'sorry' really is like a medicine that cures. Many years after we graduated from secondary school, she actually invited me to her 21st birthday! :) ...

What I can learn from her:
She has the virtue to recognize her mistakes and apologized to me directly (face to face). It takes courage to admit one’s mistakes. I will be more willing to say sorry via sms/text. My teacher told me that to learn moral values, I have to ‘throw away’ this ‘face’. We have our pride and high self-esteem (high self-worth) so much so that admitting our mistakes seem embarrassing but it is a virtuous act that will be able to help me grow as a person! Thank you, my friend!     

When others receive recognition and praises from some others, do not envy but learn from them. 

When I am not as virtuous, I will urge myself to improve and improve for the better! These people serve as a pushing power to improve my inner qualities! 

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