Sunday 21 July 2013

Learn from the GOOD (1)

见人善 即思齐 纵去远 以渐跻

Let us look at the good/commendable qualities in others and forgo the undesirable characteristics in others 

Some time in year 4 semester 2...I told myself : From today onward, for everyone whom I meet in life, I need to write down 
(1) The whole list of good in them and learn from them! 

(1) Professor Tang

a. Very Very Helpful! In Year 1 semester one of  university life, I took a year 4 module( Chinese Sematics)  and have some difficulties studying it. I sit-in to another module to learn the foundational content to help me better understand that module. During it's break time, I will read Chinese Sematics' content. After some time, Professor actually approached me and offer his help to my surprise! Since then for half a semester, Professor Tang will spend half an hour of his morning before the lecture answering my questions on Chinese Sematics.      In fact, it is not his obligation to teach me individually but when I am humble and diligent to learn, I will be able to get help somehow. He is so nice, supportive and helpful! I will learn from Prof!

b. Nice Speaking tone and attitude. When Professor speaks in the lecture, he sounded so pleasant and nice so much so it is a blessing to be able to be his student and to attend his lecture. The way he talks to students and the way he explains things really makes a difference and make me understand it well. One's tone and attitude will determine if the audience wants to interact with you or not.     
(2) Professor Teri 
a. Very devoted in giving me (students) substantial feedback and criticism. He is absolutely detailed, straightforward and blunt which makes his feedback very precise and useful in improving my essays. He gave me an experience to accept criticisms. He pointed out all my grammatical errors! I always show my appreciation towards him for his great effort and always assisting me in making my essays better. 

b. Very committed and devoted to his students. 

(3) Professor Jan 
a. Very good at explaining things and making the content of the topic precise and clear. It may be easy understanding a content but to be able to make others understand need greater understanding. 

b. Very encouraging! When I was really unconfident and felt very down studying the content of the toughest philosophy module, I approached her. She always boosted my morale and made me feel confident and motivated again to continue the tough route in learning this module. "You are doing good!"  " You can do it! ". It is the way she said it: the tone, facial expression and body gestures that makes a difference. Because Prof. is genuine. It does not matter if something is tough, it matters when one loss the morale and drive to pull through it. Motivate ourselves and others and keep the morale high! 

Very enthusiastic when she's teaching! Every lesson without fail she shows so much drive so much so that her enthusiasm in the topic is contagious enough to make me enthusiastic too! If the presenter/teacher/professor is very enthusiastic in what they are presenting, then the audience/students will have the drive too! ( Especially when the content is tough)

 d. Amazingly, she is so capable of making such a boring topic logic so interesting and meaningful. It is tough to make an interesting topic uninteresting but it is even tougher to make an uninteresting topic very interesting. I should learn from prof!

(4) Professor Colu 

a. Similar to Prof. Teri - provide substantial feedback on my essays and  did his best to assist me in essay writing.  Very thorough in his comments during the many meet-ups.  
& very committed. 

b. Throughout the semester, I will approach him with questions.  Before I leave the room, he will always say “Hope you have a good day/take care/ etc.”  which  makes me happy somehow. Positive words really brighten my days and will brighten everyone's day when conveyed genuinely. I should learn from him! 
c. Very appreciative. I went for my last consultation session with him on my last day of university life. Surprisingly, he is very appreciative. He said (before I leave): " Thank you for your contribution to the discussion in class as it actually keeps the discussion going ..." The way he said it is very genuine and sincere. I Can feel it. 

You may think that I'm really lucky to meet nice professors but it is not the case. I have the drive to strive in these modules and I made the effort to learn humbly from the professors. Also, it is one's attitude态度 and interpersonal skills that make a difference. 

People may have many good qualities in them but if we are always critical towards others, we will not realise their good! 

Search for the best in others and learn from their best to improve myself!
I will learn to be helpful, devoted, committed, appreciative, encouraging, enthusiastic in the things I do and to people I meet. I will also learn to nice to people, explain things clearly and to make something boring interesting in presentations. It takes great effort and I can do it well! ^.^  

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