Tuesday 9 July 2013

When you observe others do wrong, immediately reflect upon yourself (2)


見人惡    有則改  無加警
见人恶   即内省  有则改   无加警
When I observe/realize others do wrong (actions/words/behavior), I must immediately reflect upon myself.
If I have made the same error/ mistake or has the same flaws/faults, I will correct it.
If not, I will take extra care to not make the same mistake as him/her.


Teachers always teach me:
Others are mirrors of me. Others are mirrors meant for me to reflect.
The actions/behaviors/words of others is a direct/indirect lesson for me to learn from.  Whether or not I have the bad habitbehaviour/ action/ words, he/she is a teacher to me. They 'teach' me something孔子曰:『三人行,必有我师』There are three person- a bad person, a good person, and me. Both the bad and good person are my teachers. It is really up to me to learn from them humbly. The bad person will indirectly remind me that I should not do this or that and not follow their footsteps and do wrong. 

Before this teaching can be practice, I have to have the right mind-set of rights and wrong. If I do not have, I will view the wrongs as right and the right as wrong.人有正确的思想才可能正确的反省!So it is extremely crucial to learn from Saints and Sages as what society deems as right may not be really right. What society deems as wrong may not be wrong. The teachings of saints is my standard as they have been put to test throughout history for hundreds and thousands of years. If the teachings are not great and precious, they will have been destroyed long ago in ancient days. 

Incident 2:
In one of my working experience, my peers and I went for the department meeting and that was my first meeting ever since I worked there.

Throughout the whole meeting, it was a reflection on the good and bad things people do/said. Here I will elaborate on one slightly wrong way of conveying a message见人善,学习。见人恶,一定反省!:
·   A person with high authority (Mr Jason) actually wanted us to learn from a very experience person (Mr Alan) and he complimented that what Mr Alan's practice is worth learning. However, the way it was being conveyed contain some form of discrimination. Though it was a compliment, I felt a sense of ... from the way/tone that it was being conveyed. Somehow, I can feel discrimination against the aged and less IT savvy people. 

     Lesson Learnt:
  1.    I don’t know why I felt bad somehow. If deep within me, I already has some form of judgement/discrimination with regards to a particular person, then I will not be able to sincerely convey a compliment that is genuine and real from my heart. It will sound superficial and it may even hurt. 
  2.    Teachers always teach me to respect elders especially to those who are senior citizens. Teachers always say that elders/senior citizens are very precious to the society as they are assets to Mankind. Besides, don't forget they have given the most to society throughout their lives. We must not view them as old and useless/burden for society as not only we do grow old ourselves, we should create a more gracious society. We should love them and take care of the aged. 我们要非常尊重老长辈们!家有一老如有一宝!The old and very experience person are people whom I can learn humbly from.
  3. Also, it is perfectly alright to be less IT savvy - To use pen and paper to do what can be done with a pc. Can I be arrogant just because I am brought up in an IT savvy era and know how to harness technology while others don't? What is more important is the practice will truly benefit the people whom we are serving and improve the efficiency of work. I will not be full of myself and I must not look down on the aged and less IT savvy people. I will not make fun of old people. I will respect! 我们要尊重老长辈不可以取笑老长辈。要用一颗至诚恭敬心去向老长辈或别人学习。虚心受教。拿长辈开玩笑是我绝对不可以做的。

Incident 3:
One semester ago, after my business finance lecture, I went for the annual ministerial forum. The guest person that day was the Minister of Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam. During the forum, the chairperson of the event made a few obvious errors in his speech. People around me had some reaction that…
  1.     What I learnt was that I should not laugh at people’s error. Everyone make errors/mistakes throughout their lives and more importantly I always learn from my own mistakes as well as others’ mistakes. If I put myself in the shoes of the chairman, I may make similar mistakes and be nervous in front of a crowd of a few hundreds. 己所不欲勿施于人! 
  2.     Rather his speech remind me that if I prepare a speech, I have to prepare the speech thoroughly/completely and make sure I will deliver a good speech. I should not assume I can do it and do not be too confident in myself. It is important to prepare it, practice it and delivery it well by being cool and calm, doing  my very best in all circumstances. Every speech must be better than the previous one. This is self-improvement!    

When I observe others do wrong, immediately reflect upon myself 

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